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AWS Deployment

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Chef Automate 4.x will not be available for download before the end of September 2022. We are working on making the upgrade process a seamless experience. Until then, you can download Chef Automate 3.0.49. Please get in touch with support for more information.

Follow the steps below to deploy Chef Automate High Availability (HA) on AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud.

Install Chef Automate HA on AWS


  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) should be created in AWS before starting or use default. Reference for VPC and CIDR creation

  • Get AWS credentials (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key) which have privileges like: AmazonS3FullAccess, AdministratorAccess, AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator.
    Set these in ~/.aws/credentials in Bastion Host:

    sudo su -
    mkdir -p ~/.aws
    echo "aws_access_key_id=<ACCESS_KEY_ID>" >> ~/.aws/credentials
    echo "aws_secret_access_key=<SECRET_KEY>" >> ~/.aws/credentials
  • Have DNS certificate ready in ACM for 2 DNS entries: Example:, Reference for Creating new DNS Certificate in ACM

  • Have SSH Key Pair ready in AWS, so new VM’s are created using that pair. Reference for AWS SSH Key Pair creation

  • We do not support passphrase for Private Key authentication.


Run the following steps on Bastion Host Machine:

  1. Run below commands to download latest Automate CLI and Airgapped Bundle:

    #Run commands as sudo.
    sudo -- sh -c "
    #Download Chef Automate CLI.
    curl \
    | gunzip - > chef-automate && chmod +x chef-automate \
    | cp -f chef-automate /usr/bin/chef-automate
    #Download latest Airgapped Bundle.
    #To download specific version bundle, example version: 4.2.59 then replace latest.aib with 4.2.59.aib
    curl -o automate.aib
    #Generate init config and then generate init config for existing infra structure
    chef-automate init-config-ha aws


    Chef Automate bundles are available for 60 days from the release of a version. However, the milestone release bundles are available for download forever.
  2. Update Config with relevant data. Click here for sample config

    vi config.toml
    • Give ssh_user which has access to all the machines. Example: ubuntu
    • Give ssh_port in case your AMI is running on custom ssh port, default will be 22.
    • Give ssh_key_file path, this should have been download from AWS SSH Key Pair which we want to use to create all the VM’s. Thus, we will be able to access all VM’s using this.
    • sudo_password is only meant to switch to sudo user. If you have configured password for sudo user, please provide it here.
    • We support only private key authentication.
    • Set backup_config to "efs" or "s3"
    • If backup_config is s3 then set s3_bucketName to a Unique Value.
    • Set admin_password which you can use to access Chef Automate UI for user admin.
    • Don’t set fqdn for this AWS deployment.
    • Set instance_count for Chef Automate, Chef Infra Server, Postgresql, OpenSearch.
    • Set AWS Config Details:
      • Set profile, by default profile is "default"
      • Set region, by default region is "us-east-1"
      • Set aws_vpc_id, which you had created as Prerequisite step. Example: "vpc12318h"
      • If AWS VPC uses CIDR then set aws_cidr_block_addr.
      • If AWS VPC uses Subnet then set private_custom_subnets and public_custom_subnets Example: example : ["subnet-07e469d218301533","subnet-07e469d218041534","subnet-07e469d283041535"]
      • Set ssh_key_pair_name, this is the SSH Key Pair we created as Prerequsite. This value should be just name of the AWS SSH Key Pair, not having .pem extention. The ssh key content should be same as content of ssh_key_file.
      • Set setup_managed_services as false, As these deployment steps are for Non-Managed Services AWS Deployment. Default value is false.
      • Set ami_id, this value depends on your AWS Region and the Operating System Image you want to use.
      • Please use the Hardware Requirement Calculator sheet to get information for which instance type you will need for your load.
      • Set Instance Type for Chef Automate in automate_server_instance_type.
      • Set Instance Type for Chef Infra Server in chef_server_instance_type.
      • Set Instance Type for OpenSearch in opensearch_server_instance_type.
      • Set Instance Type for Postgresql in postgresql_server_instance_type.
      • Set automate_lb_certificate_arn with the arn value of the Certificate created in AWS ACM for DNS entry of
      • Set chef_server_lb_certificate_arn with the arn value of the Certificate created in AWS ACM for DNS entry of
      • Set automate_ebs_volume_iops, automate_ebs_volume_size based on your load needs.
      • Set chef_ebs_volume_iops, chef_ebs_volume_size based on your load needs.
      • Set opensearch_ebs_volume_iops, opensearch_ebs_volume_size based on your load needs.
      • Set postgresql_ebs_volume_iops, postgresql_ebs_volume_size based on your load needs.
      • Set automate_ebs_volume_type, chef_ebs_volume_type, opensearch_ebs_volume_type, postgresql_ebs_volume_type. Default value is "gp3". Change this based on your needs.
  3. Continue with the deployment after updating config:

    #Run commands as sudo.
    sudo -- sh -c "
    #Print data in the config
    cat config.toml
    #Run provision command to deploy `automate.aib` with set `config.toml`
    chef-automate provision-infra config.toml --airgap-bundle automate.aib
    #Run deploy command to deploy `automate.aib` with set `config.toml`
    chef-automate deploy config.toml --airgap-bundle automate.aib
    #After Deployment is done successfully. Check status of Chef Automate HA services
    chef-automate status
    #Check Chef Automate HA deployment information, using the following command
    chef-automate info

Note: DNS should have entry for and pointing to respective Load Balancers as shown in chef-automate info command.

Check if Chef Automate UI is accessible by going to (Domain used for Chef Automate)

Destroy infra


Below section will destroy the infrastructure

To destroy AWS infra created with S3 Bucket

To destroy infra after successfull provisioning, run below command in your bastion host in same order.

  1. This command will initialise the terraform packages

    for i in 1;do i=$PWD;cd /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/terraform/destroy/aws/;terraform init;cd $i;done
  2. This command will destroy all resources created while provisioning (excluding S3).

    for i in 1;do i=$PWD;cd /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/terraform/destroy/aws/;terraform destroy;cd $i;done

To destroy AWS infra created with EFS Bucket

To destroy infra after successfull provisioning, run below command in your bastion host in same order.

  1. This command will initialise the terraform packages

    for i in 1;do i=$PWD;cd /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/terraform/destroy/aws/;terraform init;cd $i;done
  2. Following command will remove EFS from terraform state file, so that destroy command will not destroy EFS.

    for i in 1;do i=$PWD;cd /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/terraform/destroy/aws/;terraform state rm "module.efs[0].aws_efs_file_system.backups";cd $i;done
  3. This command will destroy all resources created while provisioning (excluding EFS).

    for i in 1;do i=$PWD;cd /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/terraform/destroy/aws/;terraform destroy;cd $i;done

Sample config


  • Assuming 8+1 nodes (1 bastion, 1 for automate UI, 1 for Chef-server, 3 for Postgresql, 3 for Opensearch)


  • User only needs to create/setup the bastion node with IAM role of Admin access, and s3 bucket access attached to it.
  • It is adviceble to create bastion server (EC2 instance) in a new VPC.
  • Following config will create s3 bucket for backup.

ssh_port = "22"
ssh_user = ""
# Private SSH key file path, which has access to all the instances.
# Eg.: ssh_key_file = "~/.ssh/A2HA.pem"
ssh_key_file = ""
# Eg.: backup_config = "efs" or "s3"
backup_config = "s3"
secrets_key_file = "/hab/a2_deploy_workspace/secrets.key"
secrets_store_file = "/hab/a2_deploy_workspace/secrets.json"
architecture = "aws"
workspace_path = "/hab/a2_deploy_workspace"
# DON'T MODIFY THE BELOW LINE (backup_mount)
backup_mount = "/mnt/automate_backups"
admin_password = ""
# Automate Load Balancer FQDN eg.: ""
fqdn = ""
instance_count = "1"
config_file = "configs/automate.toml"
instance_count = "1"
instance_count = "3"
instance_count = "3"
profile = "default"
# Eg.: region = "us-east-1"
region = ""
aws_vpc_id  = ""
aws_cidr_block_addr  = ""
private_custom_subnets = []
public_custom_subnets = []
# ssh key pair name in AWS to access instances
# eg: ssh_key_pair_name = "A2HA"
ssh_key_pair_name = ""
# ============== EC2 Instance Config ===================
## === INPUT NEEDED ===
# This AMI should be from the Same Region which we selected above.
# eg: ami_id = "ami-08d4ac5b634553e16" # This ami is of Ubuntu 20.04 in us-east-1
ami_id = ""
automate_server_instance_type = "t3.medium"
chef_server_instance_type = "t3.medium"
opensearch_server_instance_type = "m5.large"
postgresql_server_instance_type = "t3.medium"
automate_lb_certificate_arn = ""
chef_server_lb_certificate_arn = ""
automate_ebs_volume_iops = "100"
automate_ebs_volume_size = "50"
automate_ebs_volume_type = "gp3"
chef_ebs_volume_iops = "100"
chef_ebs_volume_size = "50"
chef_ebs_volume_type = "gp3"
opensearch_ebs_volume_iops = "100"
opensearch_ebs_volume_size = "50"
opensearch_ebs_volume_type = "gp3"
postgresql_ebs_volume_iops = "100"
postgresql_ebs_volume_size = "50"
postgresql_ebs_volume_type = "gp3"
lb_access_logs = "false"
# ======================================================
# ============== EC2 Instance Tags =====================
X-Contact = ""
X-Dept = ""
X-Project = "Test_Project"
# ======================================================
Changes to be made
  • Give ssh_user which has access to all the machines. Eg: ubuntu, centos, ec2-user
  • Give ssh_key_file path, this key should have access to all the Machines or VM’s. Eg: ~/.ssh/id_rsa, /home/ubuntu/key.pem
  • Give fqdn as the DNS entry of Chef Automate, which LoadBalancer redirects to Chef Automate Machines or VM’s. (optional for above configuration) Eg:
  • Provide region Eg: us-east-1, ap-northeast-1.
  • Provide aws_vpc_id Eg: vpc-0a12*****
  • Provide aws_cidr_block_addr Eg:
  • Provide ssh_key_pair_name Eg: user-key
  • Provide ami_filter_name Eg: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server-*
  • Provide ami_filter_virt_type Eg: hvm
  • Provide ami_filter_owner Eg: 112758395563
  • Give ami_id for the respective region where the infra is been created. Eg: ami-0bb66b6ba59664870
  • Provide certificate ARN for both automate and Chef server in automate_lb_certificate_arn and chef_server_lb_certificate_arn respectivelly.

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