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Health Check Commands

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Chef Automate 4.x will not be available for download before the end of September 2022. We are working on making the upgrade process a seamless experience. Until then, you can download Chef Automate 3.0.49. Please get in touch with support for more information. s

This page includes commands that can be executed for the Chef Automate cluster part of the Chef Automate High Availability (HA) system. These commands aid you in assessing the health and status of the components part of the HA cluster. It is highly recommended to run these commands on a test cluster before using them in a production environment.

Automate HA Service Commands

  • Get the Automate HA cluster Information

      chef-automate info 
  • Post Deployment, run smoke test cases on Automate HA cluster, please run the command from bation node

      chef-automate test --full 
  • Validate the cluster but skip “chef-automate diagnostic run” when performing the smoke tests

      chef-automate test  
  • Run the smoke test on specific cluster

      chef-automate test automate
      chef-automate test chef_server
      chef-automate test opensearch
      chef-automate test postgresql 
  • To get the status of the cluster, run the command from bastion node.

      chef-automate status 
  • Check the service status on frontend nodes (Automate), ssh to the frontend node.

     chef-automate ssh --hostname a2
     chef-automate status
  • Check the service status on frontend nodes (Chef Infra Server), ssh to the frontend node.

     chef-automate ssh --hostname cs
     chef-automate status
  • Check the service status on backend nodes (Postgres nodes), ssh to the backend node.

     chef-automate ssh --hostname pg
     hab svc status
  • Check the service status on backend nodes (Opensearch nodes), ssh to the backend node.

      chef-automate ssh --hostname os
      hab svc status
  • Patch a config to the Front end nodes

    • add the config to the location /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/config/<automate.toml>
      chef-automate config patch /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/config/automate.toml
  • Collect the Gatherlogs for Automate HA cluster,run the command from bastion node.

    • logs are collected at /var/tmp
      chef-automate gather-logs
  • View the active Habitat gossiped toml config for any locally loaded service:

    • ssh to the backend opensearch nodes chef-automate ssh --hostname os
      source /hab/sup/default/
      automate-backend-ctl show --svc=automate-ha-opensearch
    • ssh to the backend postgres nodes chef-automate ssh --hostname pg
      source /hab/sup/default/
      automate-backend-ctl show --svc=automate-ha-postgresql

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